How to make Customer Satisfaction Surveys?

Today, when quality service is screeching out loud in the minds of customers, it is significant to work on the same with all discipline and efficiency. Good marketing can bring in many customers, but great service is what which retains them. However for endowing your customers with good service, you need to know where your brand is standing in the current market. It is very important to find out what masses are thinking about your product or service, what they need and if you need to improve in any aspect. And one of the best ways to get such honest information is through a customer survey.
To get the right and desired information, what counts is how you frame the questionnaire and what type of questions are thrown to the people. Make sure you don’t miss out the main purpose of doing the survey by diverging from facts that matter. Ask questions that help the people to give honest answers to rather than just agreeing blindly to what you want them to say. Keep the questions general when needed without boasting about the company and its success.
The best people to be involved in framing of relevant questions are the front line employees that deal with consumers on a daily basis. They are well aware of their wants, complaints and queries. Hence, consult them before finalizing on the survey to be conducted. They will help you cover all areas of importance that matter to you and your brand.
Try and categorize your questions to cover three sections of overall company/brand ratings, specific services offered and respondent’s demographics.
To start with you should know what public thinks about your company. Ask some questions covering your brand image in the minds of people and where they think your company stands. Example, you can ask “Rate the brand amidst ‘very good’, ‘good’, ‘average’, ‘bad’ and ‘very bad’.” You can definitely work on this and frame it into an appealing and interesting one.
You can ask questions pertaining to certain particular service or product you offer or you may want to just ask them particular question about the general one asked earlier. This gives the respondent a chance to justify or explain something which cannot be conveyed in ratings or one word.
And the last category, demographics is mandatory because you surely want to know which consumer gives what/which answers. Studying their choice, behavior and preferences as per their gender, age, lifestyle helps you have a better analysis of your survey, as every generation has a different taste and attitude.
While drafting surveys, pay attention to the details and keep it to the point. Your respondents will be glad about it and ultimately your bottom line.